george n. 乔治〔姓氏,男子名;爱称 Geordie, Georgie, Dod, Doddy〕。 St. George英国的守护神。 St. GGeorge's day 圣乔治日〔四月二十三日〕。 By George 确实,实在〔发誓或感叹〕。 George Cross [Medal] 乔治十字勋章〔英国王乔治六世1940年颁发的表彰英勇行为的勋章〕。 Let George do it. 〔美俚〕让别人去干吧! n. 1.(英国嘉德勋章的两种图案之一)骑马降龙宝像。 2.(英国有圣乔治像的)半克朗货币。 3.〔g-〕 褐色陶制大水壶。 4.〔g-〕 〔英俚〕(飞机的)自动驾驶仪。 a brown George褐色陶制容器。
George boateng , the middlesbrough captain , has been disciplined by his club after warning cristiano ronaldo , the manchester united winger , that his infamous antics could earn him harsh reprisals from his fellow players 米德尔斯堡队长乔治.博阿藤在威胁曼联边锋罗纳尔多之后受到球队的处罚。